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Induspalma receives technical visit from university students at its facilities

On October 1, at Induspalma we had the honor of receiving Dr. Iosvany López, professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), along with a group of students from the Master’s and Doctorate programs in Energy Management for Sustainable Development and Doctorate in Environmental Sciences.

During this enriching visit, our Extraction Plant Manager, Ricardo Ramírez, guided the attendees on a technical tour of our facilities, where they were able to learn first-hand about the agro-industrial process for obtaining African palm oil. This exchange not only allowed us to show the technology and procedures we use, but also fostered a valuable dialogue on sustainability and good industrial practices.

One of the most highlighted topics during the visit was the innovative use of residual biomass generated in our operations. We explained how this biomass is used to generate steam and electricity, integrating circular economy principles and reducing our environmental impact. We also shared details about our cleaner production practices and responsible waste management, demonstrating our commitment to environmental protection and sustainability at every stage of our operation.

This experience not only provided students with a practical view of the concepts learned in their academic programs, but also allowed us to strengthen ties with highly prestigious educational institutions such as INTEC, fostering the exchange of knowledge and promoting the training of future leaders in sustainability and environmental management.

At Induspalma, we deeply value these types of initiatives, which allow us to share our best practices and contribute to the development of human talent focused on sustainable solutions. We thank Dr. López and the INTEC students for their interest and enthusiasm during their visit.

We will continue to open our doors to build a cleaner, greener and more conscious future.

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